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OEDIPUS REX COMPLEX Nga MAUREEN DOWD, New York Times E Enjte, 01.05.2012, 12:09pm (GMT1) Politika amerikane kreshpërohet me dramën Edipit. Bij që luftojnë të jenë bij të mirë të etërve. Bij që përpiqen t'ua kalonë etërve. Bij që intrigojnë për t'u hakmarrë ndaj etërve. Bij të djegur t'u ngjajnë etërve. Bij me dëshirën e zjarrtë për t'u bërë përshtypje etërve që u zhdukën më herët. Bij të përkulur ndaj etërve. Bij që i përdorin etërit si libra të parashkruar. John McCain ishte pilot i zvetënuar dhe rebel i Marinës, bir i një admirali me katër yje i cili komandoi teatrin e luftës të Vietnamit, ku McCain ishte një POW (i burgosur lufte, shënim përkthimi). Al Gore ishte djali i mirë buratin i një senatori të Tennessee i cili ishte një orator i zjarrtë. Bill Clinton, Newt Gingrich dhe Barack Obama u desh të ngjitin shkallët pa përfitimin e madh që patën J.F.K., W., Mitt Romney dhe Jon Huntsman Jr. "” pa përkrahjen e pamasë të etërve të pasur dhe me lidhje të fuqishme. Në nëntor, zotëri Jon Huntsman, një drejtues miliardier kimikatesh, u rrek në një përpjekje të minutës së fundit për të nxjerrë mbi ujë fushatën e djalit të tij në New Hampshire duke grumbulluar dhurime të tjera të majme për të financuar një fushatë më të madhe reklamuese për "Juniorin", siç është i njohur kandidati ende në Utah. Mit është duke lënë Aiovën shumë më i fortë se kur arriti atje. Është e frikshme, sapo Bushi "Junior" përplasi kamionçinën e stacionit të familjes Bush në glob në një përpjekje për t'u hakmarrë dhe për të shkëlqyer më shumë se babai i tij, për të nxjerrë një tjetër kandidat republikan për president, kopje e tërë e babait të tij të famshëm republikan, dhe marrëdhëniet e të cilit me babain latojnë paraqitjen e tij. Ashtu si W., Mitt Romney ka studiuar gabimet e babait të tij kështu që ai nuk do t'i përsërisë ato. Ngaqë George Romney, i cili arriti sukses si një ekzekutiv i kompanisë së makinave dhe guvernator i Michiganit, u hodh në garën presidenciale më 1968, pa përgatitjen e duhur për punët e jashtme dhe pa një pozicion konkret për Vietnamin, djali i tij është i stërpërgatitur gjithmonë.
Ndërsa babai i tij ishte i përshkruar shpesh si një forcë e natyrës, Mitt është më shumë si një det polisteroli.
bindjet bazë edhe kur kjo i lëndon ata. Në të kundërt, bijtë e tyre më pak karizmatikë ishin më të lakueshëm, lanë pas dore të drejtën dhe luajtën kameleonin. Ati Gore e humbi vendin e tij në Senatit, sepse ai refuzoi të tërhiqet nga kundërshtimi i tij për luftën e Vietnamit. Ati Romney humbi ëndrrën e tij presidenciale, pas kërkesës për ndërrim pikëpamjesh, sepse rrëshqitjet e tij verbale i bënë kritikët të vënë në dyshim peshën e tij intelektuale. Sikundër Eugene McCarthy bënte shaka, ndërrimi i pikëpamjeve ishte një fjalë shumë e fortë: "E gjitha çfarë ishte e nevojshme në rastin e George Romney ishte një shpëlarje e lehtë."
A ka cipë Mitt Romney sadopak kur akuzon presidentin e parë afrikano-amerikan se po përpiqet për të krijuar "një shoqëri të drejtë"duke ngritur spektrin e linjave të mirëqenies në qendrat e qyteteve, duke ditur se babai i tij ishte një kampion aq i guximshëm i të drejtave civile dhe problemeve racore sa që kjo e vuri atë në telashe me pleqtë e Kishës Mormone?
-- January 3, 2012 Oedipus Rex Complex By MAUREEN DOWDDES MOINES American politics bristles with Oedipal drama. Sons struggling to live up to fathers. Sons striving to outdo fathers. Sons scheming to avenge fathers. Sons burning to one-up fathers. Sons yearning to impress fathers who vanished early on. Sons leaning on fathers. Sons using fathers as reverse-play books. John McCain was the raffish and rebellious Navy flier son of a stern four-star admiral who commanded the Vietnam theater where McCain was a P.O.W. Al Gore was the wooden good son of a Tennessee senator who was a fiery orator. Bill Clinton, Newt Gingrich and Barack Obama had to climb the ladder without the huge benefit that J.F.K., W., Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman Jr. had "” the obsessive support of wealthy and well-connected dads. In November, the senior Jon Huntsman, a billionaire chemical executive, tried a last-ditch effort to buoy his son's campaign in New Hampshire by rounding up other wealthy donors to pony up money for a major advertising campaign for "Junior," as the candidate is still known in Utah. Mitt is leaving Iowa far stronger than he arrived. It's daunting, so soon after "Junior" Bush crashed the Bush family station wagon into the globe in an effort to both avenge and outshine his dad, to gear up for another Republican presidential candidate whose résumé copies his famous Republican father and whose relationship with dad sculpts his outlook. Like W., Mitt Romney studied his father's mistakes so he wouldn't repeat them. Because George Romney, who achieved success as a car company executive and Michigan governor, jumped into the 1968 presidential race without the proper preparation on foreign affairs and a concrete position on Vietnam, his son is always overprepared. The son is programmed because the father of the Rambler was rambling, impulsive and too candid, losing his footing in the race when he told an interviewer that he suffered a "brainwashing" in 1965 from military commanders and diplomats in Vietnam that compelled him to support the war, before snapping out of it. While his father was often described as a force of nature, Mitt is more like a sea of Styrofoam. Both Al Gore senior and George Romney were blunt and tough, sticking to core convictions even when it hurt them. By contrast, their less charismatic sons were more malleable, pandering to the right and playing chameleon. Gore père lost his Senate seat because he refused to back off his opposition to the Vietnam war. Romney père lost his presidential dream after the brainwashing claim because his verbal missteps made critics question his intellectual heft. As Eugene McCarthy quipped, brainwashing was too strong a word: "All that was needed in the case of George Romney was a light rinse." If the fathers suffered for being authentic "” they were both right that America could not defeat Communism with a war in Vietnam "” the sons have suffered for seeming too inauthentic.   Does Mitt Romney cringe a bit when he accuses the first African-American president of trying to create "an entitlement society," raising the specter of welfare lines in inner cities, given that his father was such a bold champion of civil rights and solving racial problems in the inner cities that it got him in trouble with Mormon Church elders? Does he wonder what his dad, who spoke out against the futility of an earlier misguided war, would think of his assertion that President Obama's move to end the Iraq war represented an "astonishing failure"?   Unlike W., who loved his father but chafed at his long shadow, preferring to present himself as Ronald Reagan's heir, Mitt had a clear-cut case of hero worship for his dad. While W. never asked his father's advice on invading Iraq, even though Poppy Bush had experience routing Saddam, Mitt loved getting yellow legal pads full of advice from his dad when he vainly tried to unseat Senator Ted Kennedy. W. rarely talked about his father when he campaigned, wanting to be seen as his own man and a true Texan and conservative. Even though Mitt is far more conservative these days than his moderate dad, he loves talking about his parents on the trail, recounting the time they took him in the Rambler for a cross-country drive to see monuments. He has called his dad "the real deal" and the definition of "a successful human" and explained his political ambition as "a family gene." He has a poster of his dad's gubernatorial campaign, with the slogan "Keep Michigan On The Move With A Working Governor," hanging in his campaign bus. Ann Romney was also nuts about George Romney, who proxy-wooed her while his son was a Mormon missionary in France. At a final rally in Des Moines on Tuesday morning, Mrs. Romney said she was thinking of her husband's father. "We would never," she told the crowd, "have had this happen if not for George Romney." "He was the one," she concluded, "whose shoulders we are standing on." Përktheu Elida Buçpapaj
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